GREENSBORO, N.C. - Duke Energy today announced a $15,000 donation to the American Red Cross from the Duke Energy Foundation. The funds will be used to support the storm relief the Red Cross provided during the March ice storm. In the wake of the storm, the Red Cross opened shelters to provide relief to displaced families.
"We're appreciative of the Red Cross's partnership in responding to the intense blow this month's storm dealt the Triad region," said Davis Montgomery, Duke Energy district manager for the Greensboro area. "The Red Cross provided an incredible service by offering food and shelter for our neighbors in need."
The funds will be directed to the Red Cross's Heart of Carolina Region benefiting Guilford, Alamance, Davidson, Randolph, Davie, Alleghanay, Ashe, Avery Caswell, Forsyth, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry Watauga, Wilkes and Yadkin counties .
About Duke Energy Foundation
Duke Energy Foundation makes charitable investments on behalf of Duke Energy, the largest electric power holding company in the United States with 7.2 million customers in six states. Over the foundation's long history in local communities, it has identified focus areas that maximize the foundation's dollars and guide the foundation's giving. The foundation makes grants supporting the environment, economic development, education and community vitality. In North Carolina, Duke Energy Foundation invests $16 million annually for community support and charitable contributions. To learn more about Duke Energy Foundation, visit