Duke Energy Foundation awards more than $311,000 in grants to support K-12 education initiatives in 15 Indiana counties

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  • Counties include: Boone, Crawford, Daviess, Decatur, Hamilton, Hendricks, Howard, Knox, Lawrence, Monroe, Ripley, Tippecanoe, Vermillion, Vigo and Wabash.

  • Many of the initiatives address student learning gaps caused by pandemic.

PLAINFIELD, Ind. – The Duke Energy Foundation has awarded $311,246 in grants to 22 different K-12 education programs in 15 Indiana counties for 2021.

The grants support summer reading programs; energy, engineering and environmental education programs; and programs that support under-represented, low-income or diverse audiences.

“We all know many students missed out on several learning opportunities last year,” said Stan Pinegar, Duke Energy state president for Indiana. “I am proud that we are able to offer these grants to students in communities throughout our service territory with the hope of helping those students catch up, restore their passion for learning and encourage them to meet and exceed their educational goals.”

“Duke Energy Foundation funding is critical to supporting literacy development during the summer for our primary students,” said Amy Etienne, principal at South Crawford Elementary school in Crawford County.  “This funding from the Foundation will support our summer reading program and provide valuable time for our students to learn.”

The Foundation makes these grants available through the company’s “Powerful Communities” program, which helps power the lives of customers and the vitality of communities through charitable giving.

The complete grant recipient list includes:






Zionsville Education Foundation

Help teachers with resources they need to address education challenges during the pandemic



Crawford Co. Community School Corp.

Summer school for selected students to improve basic literacy skills



Vincennes Community School Corp. / Washington Learning Academy

Improve WLA learning environment through purchase of Student Emotional Learning curriculum



Decatur Co. Community Schools

Literacy camp to help young readers with 1-on-1 instruction



Carmel Education Foundation

Summer school program for rising second-grade students to improve reading skills



North Knox Primary School

Summer school program to help first and-second-grade students to improve reading skills



Danville Community School Corp.

“Warrior Whiz” summer education remediation program



Plainfield Community Schools

Summer reading camp to improve reading and math skills



The Imagination Lab

One-day intensive summer Odyssey for Plainfield elementary students



Kokomo School Corp.

Summer Discovery Program for early elementary students



Northwestern School Corp.

Reading remediation for students in grades 1-4



 United Way of Howard Co.

Program to improve literacy skills for students



United Way of Lawrence Co.

Conduct STEM-related courses for grades K-6



Foundation for Monroe Co. Community Schools

Provide professional development for up to 150 teachers to build equity-centered education skills



Kids Discovery Factory

Renovate and expand donated building to permanently house Kids Discovery Factory



Milan Community Schools

Three-week summer remedial reading program for selected students in grades 1-3



Purdue University

Projects include a summer camp devoted to empowering women in business, and PROJECT TEACH, which helps high school students explore careers in teaching



South Vermillion Community Schools

Summer reading program to support early literacy



Chances and Services for Youth and Camp Rave / Terre Haute Children’s Museum

CASY and museum combine to offer science and literary curriculum for K-5 students to address summer “brain drain”



Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Professional development for STEM teachers who teach in grades 6-12



Vigo County School Corporation

Team Vigo Summer Edition



Wabash County YMCA

SPARK – Summer Program of Awesome Reading for Kids



Duke Energy Indiana and Duke Energy Foundation

Duke Energy Indiana, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, provides about 6,600 megawatts of owned electric capacity to approximately 840,000 customers in a 23,000-square-mile service area, making it Indiana’s largest electric supplier.

The Duke Energy Foundation provides philanthropic support to meet the needs of communities where Duke Energy customers live and work. In Indiana, the foundation contributes more than $2 million annually in charitable gifts, and is funded by Duke Energy shareholder dollars. More information about the foundation and its Powerful Communities program can be found at duke-energy.com/foundation.

Media contact: Lew Middleton
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