2017 environmental grants will benefit seven organizations
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- Duke Energy is helping protect and restore Florida's environment through $216,500 in foundation grants to seven Florida-based organizations.
The grants will fund environmental projects, as well as educational and research programs throughout the state.
"As a steward of the environment, Duke Energy is proud to support local programs that protect and restore wildlife and natural resources and make a positive difference for our customers, communities and the future we share," said Harry Sideris, Duke Energy Florida state president.
The grants are administered through the Duke Energy Foundation, which provides philanthropic support to communities served by Duke Energy, with a focus on "K to Career" educational and workforce development initiatives, the environment and community impact.
"Our partnership with Duke Energy, to motivate people to conserve water and energy and protect important habitats for birds, is paying off watt by watt and drop by drop," said Katie Gill Warner, Audubon Center for Birds of Prey center director. "Working to create healthy communities, Audubon reaches thousands of students each year to share about the WEB: Water, Energy and Birds and how they are all connected."
This year's recipients include:
- Clearwater Marine Aquarium ($50,000): to assist stranded and endangered animals through its Sea Turtle Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release program
- Audubon Center for Birds of Prey ($50,000): to promote water, energy and habitat conservation through Eagle Eyes on the Environment program
- Franklin's Promise Coalition, Inc. ($33,000): to conduct regional habitat restoration projects through the Conservation Corps of the Forgotten Coast, a young adult development program
- Oakland Nature Preserve, Inc. ($25,000): to support its Summer Environmental Education Camp and Blue Tour program
- Bok Tower Gardens, Inc. ($25,000): to aid in the restoration of sandhill and scrub habitats in three counties and conserve federally endangered clasping warea and its pollinators
- Friends of the Largo Nature Parks, Inc. ($23,500): to provide educational field trips to 2,500 Title 1 school students in Pinellas County
- Cade Creativity Labs ($10,000): to provide innovative educational opportunities for teachers and students through the Get to Know Your H2O project with material development, semi-sponsored field trips to the Cade Museum and a portable teaching unit
Duke Energy has given more than $59 million to Florida charitable organizations since 2000.
Additionally, Duke Energy Florida employees volunteered more than 51,000 hours of community service within the last five years through the Duke Energy In Action program.
For additional information on Duke Energy's community giving programs, visit duke-energy.com/foundation.
About Duke Energy Foundation
The Duke Energy Foundation provides philanthropic support to address the needs of the communities where its customers live and work. The Foundation provides more than $30 million annually in charitable gifts. The Foundation's education focus spans kindergarten to career, particularly science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), early childhood literacy and workforce development. It also supports the environment and community impact initiatives, including arts and culture.
Duke Energy employees and retirees actively contribute to their communities as volunteers and leaders at a wide variety of nonprofit organizations. Duke Energy is committed to building on its legacy of community service. For more information, visit duke-energy.com/foundation.
Duke Energy is a Fortune 125 company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DUK. More information about the company is available at duke-energy.com. The Duke Energy News Center serves as a multimedia resource for journalists and features news releases, helpful links, photos and videos. Hosted by Duke Energy, illumination is an online destination for stories about people, innovations, and community and environmental topics. It also offers glimpses into the past and insights into the future of energy.
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