Grants awarded to organizations in Bartholomew, Clark, Clay, Hamilton, Howard, Johnson, Knox, Marion, Monroe, Parke, Shelby and Tippecanoe counties
PLAINFIELD, Ind. – The Duke Energy Foundation has awarded 16 “Powerful Communities” program grants totaling $269,523 for programs to support a wide range of environmental initiatives, including projects to support water quality, conservation, and habitat and forest restoration.
“Enhancing and conserving our natural resources is important as we provide safe, reliable power to our customers,” said Stan Pinegar, Duke Energy state president for Indiana. “Helping to fund these programs raises the quality of life for all residents in a community.”
One of the recipients of a $30,000 grant is the Central Indiana Land Trust to make habitat restoration and improvements in Parke, Shelby and Johnson counties.
“This grant from the Duke Energy Foundation will help amplify our efforts to protect central Indiana’s natural areas,” said Cliff Chapman, executive director of the Central Indiana Land Trust. “Connecting people to the wonder of nature in the 21st century is more important than ever.”
Other organizations receiving the 2019 foundation grants include:
- Clay County Soil and Water Conservation District – Nature trail, native prairie and pollinator planting (Clay County) $18,000
- Conner Prairie Museum – White River shoreline stabilization and pond analysis (Hamilton County) $25,000
- Conservation Law Center – Lake Monroe water quality monitoring station (Monroe County) $20,000
- Friends of Edwardsport – Edwardsport walking trail (Knox County) $27,500
- Friends of the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library – Butterfly garden (Howard County) $10,000
- Heritage Fund of Bartholomew County – Exhibit Columbus (Bartholomew County) $10,000
- Indiana Natural Resources Foundation – Indiana tree project (Monroe County) $20,000
- Indiana Wildlife Federation, Inc. – Teter retreat and organic farms sustainable trail project (Marion County) $15,000
- Ivy Tech Community College Foundation – Memorial monarch waystation (Clark County) $8,500
- Parke Trails Alliance – Parke Community rail trail (Parke County) $10,000
- The Nature Conservancy – Increasing public access and adding pollinator habitat (Owen County) $27,465
- Tree Lafayette – Arbor Day 2020 (Tippecanoe County) $18,058
- Indiana University Foundation – Indiana Resilience Planning for Action – Greenhouse Gas Reduction (statewide) $30,000
Duke Energy Indiana
Duke Energy Indiana, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, provides about 6,600 megawatts of owned electric capacity to approximately 840,000 customers in a 23,000-square-mile service area, making it Indiana’s largest electric supplier.
Duke Energy Foundation
The Duke Energy Foundation provides philanthropic support to meet the needs of communities where Duke Energy customers live and work. The foundation contributes more than $30 million annually in charitable gifts, and is funded by Duke Energy shareholder dollars. More information about the foundation and its Powerful Communities program can be found at duke-energy.com/foundation.
Contact: Lew Middleton
Office: 317.838.1505 | 24-Hour: 800.559.3853