Duke Energy Launches My Home Energy Report

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CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Duke Energy is mailing reports to 500,000 residential customers in North Carolina showing them how their personal energy usage compares with customers who live in similar homes in their areas.

"“We know neighbors talk and compare their bills,"” said Gayle Lanier, Duke Energy senior vice president and chief customer officer. “"By showing customers how their actual energy usage compares to their neighbors, we believe they’'ll make changes to be more efficient and, most importantly, reduce their overall energy costs.”"

The “My Home Energy Report” is a customized, paper-based energy usage report sent via U.S. mail to eligible residential customers. The report groups like homes of similar size, age and location (based on publicly available tax records) and compares the customer’'s usage to the average home and efficient homes within the group. The report includes tips and other recommendations for reducing energy usage; it does not include names or other personal information.

According to Lanier, Duke Energy has been testing this program for more than a year with randomly selected customers. The results - customers who use the information to make changes in how they use energy are saving an average of 2 percent or $20 on their annual energy costs.

"“This is one of the most useful, practical and readily discernible reports I have ever received from a company,"” said Tom Cochran, a Duke Energy customer in State Road, N.C., who was one of the early program participants. “"To be able to keep tabs on how we are doing on our energy usage is important to me.”"

Duke Energy residential customers in North Carolina who live in single-family homes with one electric meter, have at least 12 months of energy usage history and are not currently participating in fixed pricing plans are eligible to participate. These customers should receive their reports over the next few weeks.

Duke Energy customers in South Carolina began receiving the reports earlier this year.

Customers who do not receive the report are encouraged to use the company'’s Online Services program at www.duke-energy.com where they will find their usage information and money-saving tips

“"My Home Energy Report is just one of the tools within Duke Energy's suite of energy efficiency offers that help customers manage their energy use,"” said Lanier. “"By encouraging our customers to take control of their energy habits, we are creating sustained energy savings that can then be counted on when we consider options for meeting future energy demand.”"

Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Duke Energy is a Fortune 250 company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DUK. More information about the company is available on the Internet at: www.duke-energy.com.