PLAINFIELD, IND. - With the start of the spring construction season, Duke Energy reminds the public line that crews and other utility personnel often work along roadways maintaining power lines and other utility infrastructure.
Indiana's Move Over law, which requires motorists to move over when they approach public safety workers, also includes utility crews. If a motorist cant move safely to an adjacent lane, the law says they must reduce speed at least 10 mph under the posted speed limit and proceed with caution.
"Spring construction season is beginning, and that means more roadside utility work as well," said Melody Birmingham-Byrd, senior vice president for Duke Energy's Midwest Delivery Operations. "At Duke Energy, we have a comprehensive safety program to protect our crews working along the road, but cones and signs won't stop a distracted driver. Were reminding motorists to approach roadside workers with caution."
To help build awareness of the law, Duke Energy is partnering with its local union, IBEW Local 1393, to display Move Over and Slow Down bumper stickers on its line trucks and other vehicles. Duke Energy is distributing the bumper stickers for installation during National Work Zone Awareness Week, March 23-27, 2015. This is an annual spring campaign held at the start of construction season to encourage extra caution when driving through highway work zones and construction sites.
Tips for Driving Safely in Work Zones
- Stay Alert and Minimize Distractions: Don’t text, talk or adjust controls.
- Expect the Unexpected: Normal speed limits may be reduced, traffic lanes may be changed, and workers may be nearby.
- Slow Down: Speeding is the major cause of work zone crashes.
- Don’t Tailgate: The most common work zone crash is the rear-end collision.
- Keep a Safe Distance Between Your Vehicle, Highway Workers and their Equipment: Workers and their equipment may be near the road.
- Keep up with Traffic: Maintain traffic flow and posted speeds by merging as soon as possible.
- Pay Attention to Signs: Warning signs help keep you and other drivers safe.
- Obey Road Crew Flaggers: The flagger knows what is best for traffic safety.
- Schedule Enough Time to Drive Safely: Expect delays and leave early.
- Be Patient and Stay Calm: Construction crews are working to improve the road and make your future drive better.
(Source: Indiana Department of Transportation)
Duke Energy Indiana's operations provide about 7,500 megawatts of owned electric capacity to approximately 810,000 customers in a 23,000-square-mile service area, making it the states largest electric supplier.