During heat wave, Duke Energy reminds customers to manage their energy use and save money

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PLAINFIELD, Ind., and CINCINNATI – Hot weather can lead to higher energy bills as customers try to stay cool this summer. Duke Energy reminds customers there are a number of things they can do to help manage their energy use and save money on their monthly bills.

  • Set your AC to the highest comfortable setting. Every degree increase saves you about 5 percent in cooling costs. Energy Star recommends a minimum set point of 78 degrees.

  • Change or clean your air filters monthly. A dirty air filter can make a cooling system work harder, which uses more energy.

  • Inspect and service your cooling system. Make sure your HVAC system is ready to keep you cool by having it checked by a qualified heating and air conditioning contractor.

  • Don't cool an empty house. If you'll be out and about, program your thermostat to work around your schedule.

  • Close the blinds. Shutting drapes and shades during the hottest part of the day can keep the sun’s rays from heating your house.

  • Grill outdoors. Cooking in the oven and on the stovetop creates a lot of indoor heat. Help save energy by firing up the grill outdoors or prepare meals that don’t require cooking.

  • Use fans in occupied rooms. They circulate air to supplement air conditioning. Make sure they are set to operate in a counterclockwise direction. While fans don’t actually cool the air indoors, moving air feels cooler on the skin that stagnant air.

  • Turn off unnecessary lights. And use energy-efficient light bulbs that use less electricity and emit less heat.

  • Seal air leaks with caulking and weather stripping. And keep the door closed as much as you can to keep the cool air inside.

Customers who are having difficulty paying their monthly bills should contact our customer care center at 1-800-521-2232 (Indiana) or 1-800-543-5599 (Ohio/Kentucky) to see if they are eligible for a monthly payment plan that can spread payments out over a period of time.

Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Duke Energy is an S&P 100 Stock Index company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DUK. More information about the company is available at duke-energy.com

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