Progress Energy Supports Energy Education Through Partnership

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ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. - The Progress Energy Foundation has teamed up with, an online charity, by donating $50,000 to help students learn about energy, electricity, alternative energy and energy conservation. As part of the "“Almost Home"” initiative, the donation will help fund energy-focused project requests submitted by teachers at public schools within the Progress Energy Florida service area.

"“Many of these projects will provide students with resources to learn about energy education through tangible, hands-on experiences,"” said Vincent Dolan, president of Progress Energy Florida. "“Some of these students may be inspired to continue their education in the field of alternative energy or become teachers themselves. All of them will be tomorrow'’s energy consumers, and this initiative will help prepare them to use energy wisely.”"

Teachers working in any of the 35 counties served by Progress Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, are encouraged to visit and apply for funding by submitting ideas for energy-focused classroom projects. Qualifying projects are selected monthly to receive “"Almost Home"” funding from Progress Energy, which can include up to $1,200 in materials needed to teach lessons centered on energy topics. Then, community members can donate and bring the project “"across the finish line"” for $98 or less.

Those interested in supporting this program can look for the Progress Energy logo next to projects that are shown with an “"Almost Home"” offer on the website. Project funding will continue until Progress Energy has distributed the full $50,000.

Progress Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, provides electricity and related services to more than 1.6 million customers in Florida. The company is headquartered in St. Petersburg, Fla., and provides approximately 10,000 megawatts of diverse electric generation to serve a territory encompassing more than 20,000 square miles, including the cities of St. Petersburg and Clearwater, as well as the Central Florida area surrounding Orlando.


Founded in 2000, ( is a nonprofit website where public school teachers describe specific educational projects for their students, and donors can choose the projects they wish to support. After completing a project, the donor receives photographs and thank-you letters from the classroom they supported. To date, over 233,000 public and charter school teachers have used the site to post projects and secure more than $117 million in funding for books, art supplies, technology and other resources that their students need to learn. Through, individuals from all walks of life have helped over 6.6 million students.