Helping Home Fund has provided more than $3 million in energy-saving upgrades at no charge to income-qualified customers
Program is administered by the N.C. Community Action Association with funds available through 28 agencies across the state
Qualified customers receive up to $10,000 in energy efficiency upgrades
RALEIGH – As energy usage and bills rise this winter, more than 900 families and homes across the state will be saving energy and money courtesy of free home energy makeovers provided to customers at no charge through a Duke Energy program.
The Helping Home Fund, a $20 million program funded by Duke Energy shareholders, has provided more than $3 million in energy-saving upgrades for income-qualified Duke Energy customers in North Carolina since launching in January 2015.
“Helping our customers save energy and money is important to Duke Energy,” said David Fountain, Duke Energy’s North Carolina president. “For many of our customers, energy-efficient appliances and technology are simply beyond their financial reach. The Helping Home Fund empowers customers to save energy by providing tools and upgrades that they otherwise might not be able to afford.”
The program is administered by the N.C. Community Action Association (NCCAA) and offered through 28 agencies across the state.
Duke Energy’s Helping Home Fund serves families at or below 200 percent of federal poverty guidelines and provides income-qualified customers with up to $10,000 in energy efficiency upgrades at no cost to the customer.
“A reduction in energy costs and more disposable income make a huge difference in the lives of low-income families,” said Sharon C. Goodson, executive director of the NCCAA. These funds have made a tremendous difference in providing additional funding and services to families that otherwise would not have been served.”
About Helping Home Fund
An energy assessment is conducted at each participant’s home to determine which measures are most appropriate. In addition to the installation of energy-efficiency measures, customers also receive information on their home’s energy use and strategies to reduce energy costs in the future.
Services provided by the program include:
- Health and safety repairs such as installation of hand rails, carbon monoxide detectors, minor roof, plumbing leaks and electrical repairs
- Appliance replacement including washing machine, refrigerator, and room air conditioners
- Heating and cooling system repair or replacement
The Helping Home Fund was authorized through an agreement with the N.C. Public Staff and approved by the N.C. Utilities Commission during the 2013 Duke Energy Progress and Duke Energy Carolinas rate cases.
Information on participating agencies and how to apply for funds can be found at www.duke-energy.com/helpinghomefund
Energy saving solutions for all customers
Duke Energy offers energy saving programs and incentives for every customer and every budget. Customers can learn more about available energy saving options by visiting the Save Energy and Money section of www.duke-energy.com.
Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Duke Energy is a Fortune 250 company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DUK. More information about the company is available at: www.duke-energy.com.