PLAINFIELD, Ind. – Duke Energy is reminding Indiana customers of available state and federal assistance programs to help manage their energy bills. If you or someone you know is having trouble paying their utility expenses, assistance programs are available to help.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is an income-based program that allows those earning below certain thresholds to qualify for federal energy bill assistance. The qualifying income thresholds are based on factors that include household income and the number of people living in a home. To learn how to qualify and apply for LIHEAP funds, visit: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
Assistance agency funds
2-1-1 is a free service to help customers find local community agencies that can help meet a wide range of needs, including utility bills, housing, food and other essentials, child and elder care, medical expenses and health counseling. To learn about agencies that serve your area, dial 2-1-1, visit online or text your ZIP code to 898-211 for information on where to get help.
Share the Light Fund
Duke Energy’s Share the Light Fund is an energy assistance program designed to help income-qualified individuals and families pay their monthly electric bills. Duke Energy works in partnership with the Indiana Community Action Association and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority’s Energy Assistance Program to distribute the company’s assistance funds. Due to high demand, customers should first check with their local community action agency to make sure there are still funds available locally. Click here to find a listing of service providers by county.
Energy-saving solutions
Duke Energy also offers energy efficiency products, services and information to help customers save energy and money. For more information, visit
Duke Energy Indiana
Duke Energy Indiana, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, provides about 6,300 megawatts of owned electric capacity to approximately 860,000 customers in a 23,000-square-mile service area, making it Indiana’s largest electric supplier.
Media contact: McKenzie Barbknecht