Company makes minor adjustments to alternate route after additional testing and meetings with property owners
CINCINNATI -- Duke Energy Ohio is moving forward with its application before the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) to construct its proposed Central Corridor Pipeline in Hamilton County to ensure the safe and reliable delivery of natural gas to its customers in southwest Ohio for decades to come.
In August 2017, Duke Energy Ohio asked the OPSB for a delay in its application process to allow the company additional time to examine site-specific matters it became aware of through meetings with property owners and municipalities along the proposed alternate, or western, route that runs primarily through Blue Ash, Evendale and Reading.
Since then, Duke Energy Ohio has been advancing the design and alignment of this route. This involved taking a more in-depth look at all properties where the pipeline would be located, including near the Pristine Inc. Superfund site in Reading. Duke Energy Ohio conducted additional environmental testing including soil borings along the western route, in addition to reviewing records of existing environmental databases.
Duke Energy Ohio also continued meeting with property owners and community leaders along the proposed western route. As a result of the meetings and field activities, the company has made some minor adjustments on individual properties located along the western route.
This natural gas pipeline, approximately 13 miles long and 20 inches in diameter, is needed to balance the natural gas supply, improve our natural gas infrastructure and decommission two propane peaking stations. These peaking stations are used to supplement the local gas supply on the coldest days of the year.
The proposed pipeline would connect to an existing Duke Energy Ohio pipeline near the intersection of Butler, Warren and Hamilton counties and extend to an existing company pipeline in either the Norwood area or the Fairfax area. There are two proposed routes in Duke Energy Ohio's application – an eastern route and a western route.
"Duke Energy Ohio is committed to safely constructing this needed pipeline while mitigating impacts to the residential and business communities," said James Olberding, project manager. "Since August, we've had nearly 60 additional meetings with property owners and local officials along the alternate route. Public input is an important part of this siting process, and ensures that Duke Energy Ohio and the OPSB have feedback from those that may be potentially impacted by the proposed pipeline project."
The Central Corridor Pipeline project will help strengthen our natural gas system and position Duke Energy Ohio to continue our long history of providing safe and reliable natural gas service to our Ohio communities.
Next Steps
Duke Energy Ohio is proposing that the OPSB reschedule the adjudicatory hearing in Columbus for later this spring or summer. This hearing will allow parties in the case to provide sworn testimony and cross-examine witnesses. The OPSB will issue its decision on the pipeline sometime after the hearing is complete.
About Duke Energy Ohio/Kentucky
Duke Energy Ohio/Kentucky's operations provide electric service to about 850,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in a 3,000-square-mile service area and natural gas service to approximately 529,000 customers.
Duke Energy is a Fortune 125 company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DUK. More information about the company is available at duke-energy.com.
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