Duke Energy provides $700,000 in winter assistance funds in Indiana

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  • Customers who need help paying electricity bills can receive up to $300 toward their bill

PLAINFIELD, Ind. -- Duke Energy is once again assisting customers who may struggle to pay their winter energy bills.

The company is contributing $600,000 for low-income customer energy assistance through its Helping Hand program.

In addition, Duke Energy Indiana customers and employees have contributed about $96,000 to date for the program, raising this year's total to almost $700,000.

"We established the Helping Hand program in 1983 to provide assistance in the winter to Indiana customers," said Duke Energy Indiana President Melody Birmingham-Byrd. "The program is funded by Duke Energy shareholders and customer donations to lend a Helping Hand to those who need assistance with their winter electric bills."

Customers who need help paying their electricity bills can receive up to $300 toward their bill if a local Energy Assistance Program agency determines they are eligible based on need and other criteria.

Duke Energy Indiana partners with the Indiana Community Action Association and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority's Energy Assistance Program, which distributes the company's assistance funds.

"Last year, the program was able to assist over 5,700 Indiana households maintain their utility service," said Ed Gerardot, executive director of the Indiana Community Action Association. "Beyond that, the assistance allows low-income Hoosiers to have increased resources for other household needs."

For more information on how to cut costs and stay warm this winter, visit duke-energy.com/home/savings/winter-heating-energy-savings. Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) also offers energy efficiency products, services and information to help customers save energy and money. For more information, visit duke-energy.com.

Duke Energy Indiana

Duke Energy Indiana's operations provide about 6,800 megawatts of owned electric capacity to approximately 820,000 customers in a 23,000-square-mile service area, making it the state's largest electric supplier.

Contact: Angeline Protogere
Office: 317.838.1338 | 24-Hour: 800.559.3853