SENECA, S.C. - Eligible property owners on Lake Keowee and Lake Jocassee will have a one-year timeframe to apply for dock modifications to reach deeper water beginning September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016. The program allows dock owners to proactively make permanent modifications to ensure a docks usability when lake levels may be lower, such as during an extended drought.
Eligibility is based on requirements outlined in Duke Energy's 2014 Keowee-Toxaway Shoreline Management Plan (SMP). Property owners may qualify for the dock modifications program if they had an existing Duke Energy-approved boat dock by the December 1, 2013 effective date of the Relicensing Agreement; or they had a Duke Energy-approved permit for a not-yet-installed dock issued less than 12 months prior to December 1, 2013 and installed prior to the permit expiring. In addition, an eligible dock must meet all other requirements of the SMP.
The program allows qualifying dock owners to add up to an additional 200 square feet to the current maximum size limit for boat docks. The opportunity is an outcome of the Keowee-Toxaway Relicensing Agreement Duke Energy entered into with stakeholders during the Keowee-Toxaway Hydroelectric Project Federal Energy Regulatory Commission relicensing process. The program differs from the Follow the Water program which allows a dock owner to temporarily move a dock during periods of drought.
"During this special period, eligible lake residents may make permanent dock enhancements that otherwise may not be allowed," said Joe Hall, Duke Energy lake services director. "We recognize residents' concerns about lake access when lake levels are low and encourage them to consider this opportunity for a solution."
Dock owners must submit an application and receive written approval before work is performed. There are no fees to apply during this one-year special period. Due to the anticipated volume of requests and related construction demand, the build-out period for the dock modifications will be extended from one year to two years from the approval date. Applications received outside of this special period for permits to extend docks will be processed, but will have to meet all of the typical permitting and fee requirements of the SMP.
With questions or to request an application, dock owners may contact Duke Energy Lake Services at 800-443-5193. Applications are also available online at Applications must be submitted or postmarked by August 31, 2016.
About Duke Energy Carolinas
Duke Energy Carolinas owns nuclear, coal-fired, natural gas, renewables and hydroelectric generation. That diverse fuel mix provides approximately 20,000 megawatts of owned electric capacity to about 2.5 million customers in a 24,000-square-mile service area of North Carolina and South Carolina.
Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Duke Energy is a Fortune 250 company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DUK. More information about the company is available at